Alaska Native Education Program

Alaska Native Education Program

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Alaska Native Educational Programs seek to support projects that recognize and address the unique educational needs of Alaska Native students.

Eligible Applicants:
Tribal Governments
Tribal Organizations
Other: Alaska Native Organization
Funding Use Categories:
Other: Program funds
Type of Assistance:
Grant/Cooperative Agreement
Award Details:

Average award: $1,261,000 in FY2022
Number of awards: 28 in FY2022
Cost sharing/matching required: No

Application Timeframe:

Most recent deadline: April 26, 2022
Expected Award Cycle: Every 1 to 2 years

Application Complexity:
Complex federal application
Assistance Listing:
CFDA 84.356A
Timeframe Details:

This opportunity is open once every one to two years with applications typically due in late spring or summer (April 26, 2022, most recently).


This program recognizes the role of Alaska Native languages and cultures and can be used to integrate Alaska Native languages and cultures into education. The program supports effective supplemental education programs that maximize participation of Alaska Native educators and leaders in the planning, development, implementation, management, and evaluation of programs designed to serve Alaska Natives. Permissible activities include, but are not limited to, curriculum development, training and professional development, early childhood and parent outreach, and enrichment programs, as well as construction.

Award Information:

Total funding awarded in FY2022 was $35,312,956 with grants ranging from $145,000-$2,600,000 and an average award of $1,261,000.

Eligibility Details:

Applicants must meet at least one of the below eligibility characteristics:

  1. Alaska Native organizations with experience operating programs that fulfill the purposes of the Alaska Native Education (ANE) program;
  2. Alaska Native organizations that do not have experience operating programs that fulfill the purposes of the ANE program, but are in partnership with:
    a) A State Educational Agency (SEA) or Local Educational Agency (LEA); or
    b) An Alaska Native organization that operates a program that fulfills the purposes of the ANE program; or
  3. An entity located in Alaska, and predominantly governed by Alaska Natives that does not meet the definition of an Alaska Native organization but:
    c) Has experience operating programs that fulfill the purposes of the ANE program; and
    d) Is granted an official charter or sanction from at least one Alaska Native Tribe or Alaska Native organization to carry out programs that meet the purposes of the ANE program.
Project Examples:
  • $1,447,486 to the Knik Tribe (AK) in 2022 for equipment and programming for the Benteh STEAM Academy to teach students about building tools and equipment, outdoor skills, and cultural practice.
  • $1,500,000 to Kenaitze Indian Tribe (AK) in 2018 for construction of an indoor/outdoor playground as part of the proposed Early Childhood Center campus.
  • $2,078,643 to Sealaska Heritage Institute (AK) in 2020 to construct an 8,100 square foot Heritage Art Campus.
Application Process:

Applicants are encouraged to notifying the program of their intent to apply by emailing the program contact with the subject “Intent to Apply” and including the applicant name, contact person, and email address in the body of the message. Deadline for this notice was five weeks prior to the application deadline for the FY2019 cycle. This program uses the Department of Education’s centralized discretionary grant programs process and applications are submitted via This common application includes Application for Federal Assistance, narrative, abstract, non-construction budget form, budget narrative, standard forms for assurances and budget information form for non-construction programs, disclosure of lobbying activities, General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) form, and allowable attachments such as resumes, bibliography, and letters of support. A complete application addresses the purposes of the program, the selection criteria, and any priorities included in the application notice published in the Federal Register.

Contact Information:

Almita Reed
Department of Education, OESE School Improvement Programs
400 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20202
[email protected]
[email protected]

About NISN

The NACA Inspired Schools Network is a community of Indigenous schools and partners located throughout the nation.

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