This searchable Facilities Funding Directory includes foundations, federal programs, and community development financial institutions (CDFIs) that offer support for facilities-related needs. Support types include grants, loans, loan guarantees, tax credits, rebates, in-kind donations, and technical support. These funders operate nationally or serve multiple states; school leaders should also search the State Charter School Regulations and Resources directory and outside listings for local support that may be available.
Search settings along the left-hand side allow users to search by suggested filters of eligible applicant types and location. Additional settings can filter for support type and funds use.
Each listing is designed for quickly evaluating an opportunity. Listings start with a summary table, “Opportunity At-A-Glance,” which can be used to scan basic information. After confirming a basic alignment from the Opportunity At-A-Glance table, the reader can move on to the descriptive section to read more about the funder’s interests, limitations, and fund awarding process.
For opportunities that look promising, a weblink and contact information is provided. Promising opportunities or “leads” can then be screened using techniques and tools in the Screening Funding Opportunities area.
The Kerr Foundation, Inc.
The Foundation supports programs and institutions that provide new or enhanced opportunities for those within its granting areas (including education), particularly the young.
The Louis Calder Foundation
The Foundation seeks to support high-performing alternate education models in anticipation that their successful strategies will become common practice in all schools.
Walton Family Foundation
The Foundation has a focus on expanding access to high quality K–12 education to promote a
lifetime of opportunity.
Wildhorse Foundation
The Foundation, managed by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation in partnership with Wildhorse Casino, supports government, tribal, and nonprofit organizations in its region. Education is one area of interest.
William T. Kemper Foundation
The Foundation has a history of supporting charter schools and contributing to capital projects and school capital campaigns.